Tribal Woman:
A Tantric Shamanic Jurney

What is Tribal Woman online experience?
This is a unique program in its existence, through tantra and shamanism you will start a journey to connect with your wild woman essence, which is totally alive in her body, aware of her cycles, and full of wise ancestral energy.
As women, we have lost the connection with our body and inner nature.
In this Program, you recover the way of living rhythmically, following nature cycles, even if you live in an urban environment.
This is an opportunity to expand your tantric wisdom as a woman and remind you about three inner powers, your womb, your heart, and your intuition.
This course has been designed for this experience to bring and develop:
- Healing your bodies through 5 elements, and connection with a natural rhythm in your daily life.
- To be aware of the distortional imprints that society imposes on women sexuality and life, and coming back to your body, connecting to the language of sensuality, love, and presence.
- Rediscovering aliveness, and expanding your energy through the Tantra Map for women.
- To be more sensitive and aware to your womb as a source of life, and creation.
- To recognize women´s qualities such as; sensitivity, vulnerability, intuition, vision, sensuality, wild energy, loving and nourishment.
- To balance a multi-tasks life, dynamic energy with stillness, receptive energy within.
Participant says: “I have never felt such a Goddess, embracing and celebrating my femininity and power! I’ve also noticed a positive affect on my practice in helping both male and female clients embody their sexuality. I know I will improve my contribution to this beautiful planet” Karen Keene,London, The UK

How we will do this?
The Program: through the elements of a shamanic journey, earth, water, fire, air, ether, and multidimensional perception, combined with tantra for women, you embrace and take the nectar of this experience. The Program has developed in 7 online live encounters, (classes will be recorded, so you won´t miss anything). These classes are the foundation courses for optional Training.
- Encounter 1 Earth my body, taking the gifts from your roots, female lineage.
- Encounter 2 Water my blood, womb healing, and sensuality as a doorway to yourself.
- Encounter 3 Fire my spirit, giving direction to your life, embracing your wild energy.
- Encounter 4 Air my breath, expanding love to yourself, and practicing breasts meditation.
- Encounter 5 Ether, allowing yourself to express your truth, using somatic experience in your voice
- Encounter 6 Intuition, reminding yourself of the way to trust and follow your intuition.
- Encounter 7 Living Orgasmically in your daily life, embracing challenge and joy. Mahamudra Meditation.
Masterclasses Dates:
7 online live classes every other week on Wednesday
Oct. 18th / Nov. 1st - 15th - 29th /Dec.13th
January 3rd - 17th of 2024.
Schedule, 19:00 - 21:30 The UK / 20:00-22:30 CET.
what do I get from this program?
- Accessing to 7 online live encounters
- 2 individual tantra counseling (45 mins. each)
- Expanding your Presence, love and integrity
- Tools to be used in your daily life
- Tribal support
- Healing of distortional imprinting about being a woman
- Grounding in your natural wild woman.
- Living according to your inner rhythm.
- Taking the female ancestors strength and gifts to empower us in our present life
- Increase your sensitivity and creativity as part of the unique gifts of being a woman

7 online live encounters, accessing for three months, and two individual tantra counseling with Ranjana
One Payment of 350 euros
Payment, two installments of 380 euros (190 each)
Contact me for a FREE 30 mins consultation: / Whatsapp +34 695640980
