Cuando llegué a terapia con Ranjana, estaba en una etapa de cambios en mi vida, pero no lograba dilucidar a que me quería dedicar. Acostumbrada a pensar sólo con la mente no encontraba respuestas a las dudas que tenía sobre mi futuro.
Hicimos algunas sesiones de Meditación, Constelaciones familiares, etc. que me ayudaron a reconciliarme, con mi pasado, mi familia, mi vida y conmigo misma, luego de eso aprendí a conectarme con mi interior y pedir al universo lo que quiero y necesito, así logré conocerme mejor y descubrir mi misión en la vida.
Finalmente hicimos un trabajo detallado de como poner en práctica mi nuevo proyecto de vida, con todos los detalles necesarios para que resulte en lo concreto.
Definitivamente hay un antes y un después con la terapia, aprendí a sentir y no sólo a pensar y esto me ha conectado con mi intuición y con mi fuerza interior para tomar las riendas de mi vida y co-crear todo lo que necesito y deseo.”
I experienced two workshops with Ranjana together with my partner and we absolutely loved them! A sense of deep connectedness within the group took place in a matter of minutes, which brought along an experience of ‘belonging’ & reconnection to oneself and to an ancestral field, to humanity, to the universe.
I felt held in a wider field beyond human capacity in which all layers of defence fell off where we can relate to one another from our pure hearts, open and already whole, connected with our powerful deeper centre filled with life force. This first workshop supported my sense of Inner Union with Divine Feminine and Masculine aspects within myself – a prerequisite for the full experience of Sacred Union of lovers.
What I particularly enjoyed was one playful part of the second workshop, where I ‘hunted’ my prey (my partner), me identifying myself as the fierce lioness (who I am!) … what a relief once I allowed myself to sense this huge energy within myself which I see as life force/sexual energy/passion! The last part of the second workshop we melted into love with one another, I recognised that practice as one of Sacred Union – aligning all the chakras with my partner into resonance, allowing that life force expanding up through our hearts which by that time felt as one heart field and eventually becoming ONE with the universe itself.
I wish everyone on this planet could experience this … we ARE love.
Thank you Ranjana for your deep wisdom, you truly are a gift to all of us! “