Open Session
Ranjana is available for individual sessions, in person, as well as via Skype from anywhere in the world. These sessions guide you to dissolve issues around relationship, inner child wounds, sexuality and self-love. Each session is a unique process, aimed to connect you with your natural source of vital life. As everyone has a unique path, a key focus of Ranjana’s skills is to adapt her approach for each individual.
Sexual trauma healing session
Frequently we carry a negative imprint regarding our sexuality. Sexual or emotional abuse, impotence, frigidity, abortions, and so on. These events are partly the consequence of repression and shame about sexuality. This session aims to create a new imprint, one that is a natural, alive and brings us back to a relaxed sexuality.
Female Ancestrology Session
Using morphic field, somatic-emotional experience and native cosmo vision, Ranjana will guide the individual through an experience focused on unburdening old emotional patterns and letting go of the trans-generational female conditioning of our original family, aiming to leave you feeling more free, alive and rooted. This means recovering the natural love connection we have with our female lineage and ancestors by receiving their strength. We learn how to ground our self in The Mother Earth, “Pacha Mama” who gives us expansion, vision, abundance, sensuality, love and nutrition.
Process of Integrative Psychotherapy (8 sessions)
This is an Individual Integrative Process, a series of 8 sessions. This process involves: roots healing, somatic experiencing, inner child healing, emotional release, breath-work and spiritual life coaching.
– Integrative Psychotherapy is a method that integrates the phenomenological existential approach, the morphic fields (genetic, or applied to systems), the somatic experience / healing of traumas, healing of psychological wounds produced in childhood, conscious relationship, breath-work and energetic readings.
– Sesion one: Ancestrology, taking the strength from your roots
– Sesion two: Realising Trans-generation Patterns
– Sesion three: Taking care of your inner child
– Sesion four: Re-connecting with your teenager
– Sesion four: Melting frozen areas and numbness from your body and system
– Sesion five: Experiencing aliveness
– Sesion six: Creativity and vision
– Session seven: Following your passion in Life, with trust
– Session eight: Integration
– What is it used for? It serves to bring conscious solutions to personal, family, couple, sexual, work or existential situations, that generate pain, confusion, fatigue, frustration or stress, and that may have their origin in childhood, the family system, or in experiences of shock throughout life. These experiences often lead us to live in a state of compensation, which supplies a lack of confidence or self-love. We have learned to meet external demands and expectations, in fact to postpone our own
performance; we have even forgotten how to listen to our inner voice.
– What is the the objective? From a place of acceptance, we seek to arrive at the origin of these situations, with the aim of bringing resolution, clarity, and observation with loving-kindness, and take in the strength of our experiences. This reconnects us with the energy and flow of life, and with the conscious listening of our own needs and self-care.
Benefits: Through a sequence of personal sessions, a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 12, where meditation techniques are included, a synergy of transformation and transcendence of patterns that have sabotaged life is generated, and we return to a natural state where we are aware of our real centre. All of this is in service of creating and living a life of happiness, fullness and vitality, our natural birth-right.